The Wiz is an enchanting, mystical, magical, entrancing, and dystopian movie, with the best musical numbers I've ever seen in my life, the ending was perfect and every set piece was immaculate.I am obsessed with The Wiz, and it gets an A+
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
...And favorites don't always have rhyme or reason. I can just say that this movie always struck a chord with me. I know that it is dark. I agree that Diana Ross's acting is overwrought with some unknown neurosis. But the music is soulful and the vocal performances make me cry every time. The urban setting (in contrast to the farm that never "clicked" with me) is almost comforting, though not in the parking garage. I agree with the more intellectual reviewers that Lumet's direction could have been better. I'm just a sucker for the gospel-style singing in "the feeling that we have", "believe", and "brand new day". I find this movie much more of an emotional release than the Wizard of Oz.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
Amazing movie with great music. I dance and singe every time I watch it.